Retro Gaming — Abuse

Abuse has been around since 1996. Release for DOS, it was a side scroll game that needed both the keyboard and mouse to play. I first played back on my Macintosh Performa 476, back on Mac OS 8. The game is unique that the code was released in 1999 as open-source code for all to use. Today ABUSE can be found on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.

To get Abuse working on RetroPie takes a bit of work.

First, log-in to your Pi.

cd /RetroPie-Setup
sudo ./retropie-setup

Then move through the menus

P — Manage Packages

exp — Manage experimental packages

Select the following
300 — Abuse

Select install from the source

S — Install from Source

Once it’s installed then go the following website to get full version of Abuse.

Once it’s downloaded and scp/copy it to your home directory. Once it’s placed in the home directory the following command needs to be ran in each dirtory, the rest is the files are in ALL CAPS, and script is looking for the files need to be in all lower case.

rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *

Once all the files have been converted to lower case the following needs to be done

cd /opts/retropie/ports/abuse
sudo mkdir -p share/games/abuse
cd /home/pi/ABUSE
sudo cp -rv * /opt/retropie/ports/abuse/share/games/abuse

The last thing that needs to be done is replace the icon.pce file with an up-to-date version

sudo cp -v icons.spe /opt/retropie/ports/abuse/share/games/abuse/art/

Now select from under PORTS –> ABUSE

A keyboard and mouse will be needed to play the game.